
I finished another knitting project today. It wasn’t a particularly intense knit at all, and didn’t take long to complete. I cast on last Sunday and finished this afternoon, but I didn’t spend all that time knitting, in fact I think I only spent about three evenings on this. One evening was dedicated to feet and the beak!

So, without further ado, I introduce to you Mr. Penguin:



I’m pleased with how this has turned out. My sewing up skills are slowly improving, and I think that is evident here, even though I chickened out of embroidering the eyes and used buttons instead. This was from the Sarah Keen book “Knitted Wild Animals”, and is the third or fourth animal I have now made, and I think it was the easiest toy to come to together.

I did run out of stuffing for this little guy though, but there was just enough there for the project. I used scraps of yarn for the feet and beak instead.
I have already got my next project chosen, and the yarn wound into balls for it, just need to cast on.

I have also bought a magazine I found in WHSmiths on the beginners to crochet as it’s a skill that I would really like to understand/be able to do. I think the language used puts me off as well, and this looks like a really good magazine, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it’s called.

There isn’t much else to add to this particular blog today, but watch out over the coming days for blogs about Russell Howard, The Inbetweeners 2, The Traitor Queen [Trudi Canavan], and much more! It’s going to be a busy few days on the blog.

Take it easy and happy crafting!


13 thoughts on “Penguin!

  1. Awww, cute penguin! Love it. Good luck with the crochet. Like you, I started as a knitter and then learned crochet. Being able to knit already really helped: it meant I was already used to reading patterns etc. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement for the crochet. It feels really awkward holding everything instead of needles (I did attempt a granny square some time back) but yeah, am hoping that this magazine will help with getting everything in order :)

      1. I know everyone recommends starting with a granny square, but I actually found that difficult. Because I’m a knitter and therefore used to rows, I initially did rows and rows of each of the major crochet stitches, until I’d got the hang of them. Anyway, have fun, and Youtube is your friend.

    1. Penguins are sweet. I go to certain zoo’s just for the penguins. The first time I saw them in person was at Dublin Zoo, but there are some a *little* closer to home that have them as well. They are so sweet. Edinbrugh Zoo do something called a Penguin Walk, and they let the penguins out of the area they use and roam around the park for a little bit before going back in. That is sweet :)
      This little critter is going to a friend as it’s his favourite creatures!

      1. That could be an amazing birthday present for my boyfriend one day! Edinburgh zoo I mean :) They are lovely aren’t they, so much character!

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